HR Vaud invites you to their event

International HR Day – HR Shaping the new future

About this event

Session 1

Rethink HR – Prepare today for tomorrow

8h30 à 9h15

HEC Lausanne – Isabelle Chappuis – Author of the book “HR Futures 2030” – Her theme is that Human is the 4th pillar of sustainability and what does that imply?

The world of work is evolving at an exponential rate, and significant shifts are expected. Isabelle Chappuis will be sharing during this session some key insights on the future HR trends with pragmatic upskilling pathways.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Isabelle Chappuis HEC Lausanne

  • Team member
    Hr Vaud

HR Vaud

Association Vaudoise des Professionnels des Ressources Humaines

HR Vaud est une association à but non lucratif au service des professionnels des Ressources Humaines représentant des entreprises et organisations de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs, publiques ou privées, locales et internationales.