HR Vaud invites you to their event

International HR Day – HR Shaping the new future

About this event

Session 3

Conversational Self-Services - How chatbots and AI transform HR Services

16h00 - 16h45

HR Campus,

Nadine Hodler, HR Strategy Consultant, h

Felix Anderegg, Head of Technology & Innovation,

Chatbots already allow users to get quick answers to their questions - and yet there is still a lot of unused potential, especially in human resources and their services for employees and managers. In the session with Nadine Hodler and Felix Anderegg from HR Campus we want to go one step further and illustrate our idea of how AI and Chatbots can shape the future of employee and management self-services. Join us and share our dream about how technology can impact the future of HR.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    FA G
    Felix Anderegg Head of Technology & Innovation @ HR Campus

  • Guest speaker
    Nadine Hodler HR Strategy Consultant @ HR Campus

  • Team member
    Hr Vaud

HR Vaud

Association Vaudoise des Professionnels des Ressources Humaines

HR Vaud est une association à but non lucratif au service des professionnels des Ressources Humaines représentant des entreprises et organisations de toutes tailles et de tous secteurs, publiques ou privées, locales et internationales.