ICD International invites you to their event

e-Invoicing in Romania: how to ensure compliance ?

About this event

Romania has been preparing for a significant transformation in the invoicing field for a few years, with the introduction of mandatory electronic invoicing for B2B transactions starting on January 1, 2024.

In this webinar, we offer a comprehensive overview of the scope of the reform and the steps to be taken to bring your organization into compliance.

PS : Session in French at 11h - registration

Hosted by

  • Team member
    CJ T
    Catherine Jarabe Business Developer @ ICD International

  • Team member
    Mathias Parnaudeau Expert dématérialisation financière @ ICD International

ICD International

Digitalization and automation business process solutions

For over 30 years, ICD International has been designing and implementing solutions to dematerialise business documents and optimise the supply chain.