ICISA invites you to their event

Implications of Geopolitical Trends on the Surety Market

About this event

Join us on a strategic exploration of the ever-changing landscape where geopolitics and the surety market intersect. Our webinar invites you to read into the complexities and implications of global geopolitical shifts on the surety industry.

Key Discussion Points:

  • Geopolitical Assessment: Understand how geopolitical trends are influencing the surety market.
  • Legal and Regulatory Challenges: Navigate the legal and regulatory challenges arising from geopolitical shifts. Explore how changes in diplomatic relations and international agreements can impact surety contracts and compliance requirements.
  • Surety Strategies in Uncertain Times: Hear from industry experts on strategic approaches and best practices for surety providers and businesses to thrive amidst geopolitical uncertainties. Learn how to develop resilient surety strategies that anticipate and mitigate risks arising from geopolitical events.
  • Case Studies: Explore real-world case studies highlighting the impact of geopolitical trends on the surety market. Learn from practical examples of successful risk management and adaptation strategies implemented by industry leaders.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    CN G
    Charles Nortje CGIC

  • Guest speaker
    Ansgar Baums Co-founder and Partner @ Geotech Advisory LLC

    Ansgar Baums is German Marshall Fund’s Helmut Schmidt Fellow 2023 and co-author of the forthcoming book “The Tech Cold War” (Lynne Rienner Publishers). During his Helmut Schmidt Fellowship, Baums is conducting research on the geo-technology policy rift within the transatlantic alliance and the danger of separate US and EU approaches toward China in this area. Baums is co-founder and partner of Geotech Advisory LLC and consults corporations on geopolitical risk management.

  • Guest speaker
    RK G
    Renate Kerpen DEVK Re

  • Guest speaker
    GV G
    Gonzalo Videla Travelers

  • Team member
    Daniel de Búrca Head of Policy and Regulatory Affairs @ ICISA


International Credit Insurance and Surety Association

The International Credit Insurance & Surety Association was founded in April 1928, forming the first trade credit insurance association.