IEFT Talks invites you to their event

Quality Education and Career opportunities in the heart of Europe

About this event

Lazarski University is an academic and educational institution that skilfully combines innovative educational standards with the traditional goals of education, driven by the ""universitas magistrorum et scholarium"" principle. We are the best Polish university in the international U-Multirank ranking prepared at the request of the European Commission. Additionally, we are included in the prestigious group of 8% highest-graded universities from around the world.

Our Faculty of Law boasts the 1st place among law faculties of private universities in the ranking of ""Dziennik Gazeta Prawna"".

Our Faculty of Economics was listed first in the Brief rating that measures the degree of the university graduates' preparedness for entering the labour market

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Hazal Öztahran

  • Guest speaker
    JM G
    Justyna Murawska

IEFT Talks

Her yıl 100000’in üzerinde öğrenci, Türkiye’den eğitim almak üzere yurtdışına gitmektedir. IEFT fuarları bu anlamda önemli bir boşluğu doldurmakla beraber; öğrenci adayları ve onların aileleri ile dünyanın bir çok ülkesinden kurumunu bir araya getirerek yeri doldurulamaz bir hizmete imza atmaktadır.