About this event
This webinar is focused on bachelor and master programs at University of Economics -Varna.
We have 28 bachelor programs - from which 3 Programs in foreign languages in English: Business and Management, International Business and Accounting and 1 in Russian: International Tourism.
28 master programs -from which 2 Programs in foreign languages in English: Informatics and International Business and Management in cooperation with Nottingham Trent University,
and 3 Joint and Double Degree Programmes: Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Ural Federal University, Russia, and Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany.
We have more than 200 international partners
We also have joint trainings with Nottingham Business School which is in the Top 100 European business schools as per Financial Times.
Plekhanov University is in the top 3 Quality of Education in the Russian Federation.
You have an opportunity to study 1 year financed in the EU.
Be our guest and ask your questions. It will be a pleasure for us to assist you to find your best solution!
Hosted by
Her yıl 100000’in üzerinde öğrenci, Türkiye’den eğitim almak üzere yurtdışına gitmektedir. IEFT fuarları bu anlamda önemli bir boşluğu doldurmakla beraber; öğrenci adayları ve onların aileleri ile dünyanın bir çok ülkesinden kurumunu bir araya getirerek yeri doldurulamaz bir hizmete imza atmaktadır.