Innerspace invites you to their event

PDA-Innerspace Webinar - "The Onion Model: Uncovering a new Perspective on the Hidden Links between Cleanroom Personnel Training, QA and Productivity"

About this event

Pharmaceutical production comprises many interrelated aspects that collectively form a complex and connected system. A single adjustment can yield far-reaching consequences. However, when changes are strategically implemented, significant enhancements in quality and productivity become achievable.

The aim of this PDA-Innerspace webinar, is to uncover these hidden connections by introducing a systematic model that empowers professionals in training, quality assurance, and management to identify and implement optimization opportunities like never before.

At the core of this perspective lies the individual operator, whose contributions are pivotal to the overall work performance. Errors in critical processes directly impact product quality, thereby influencing compliance and quality assurance measures, ultimately affecting productivity.

Join us as we uncover the hidden links that determine your production.


14:00 - 14:05 Welcoming and Speaker Introduction

14:05 - 14:30 Presentation 1 - Andreas Hablesreiter

14:30 - 14:45 Quick Poll + Q&A

14:45 - 15:05 Presentation 2 - Karsten Herrmann

15:00 - 15:30 Q&A


The webinar will be held as a live online webinar. The audience will have the opportunity to react, ask questions and interact with polls throughout the webinar.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Robin Thiedmann Marketing Manager @ Innerspace

  • Guest speaker
    Andreas Hablesreiter Senior Pharma Expert @ Innerspace

    Andreas Hablesreiter is an experienced industry expert with an impressive track record spanning 34 years, culminating in his role as "Head of Technology" at Takeda. His encounter with the Innerspace VR Cleanroom Simulator left a lasting impression, leaving him convinced, that this technology would shape the pharmaceutical industry for good. Driven by conviction, he transitioned to support this transformative training revolution as a "Senior Pharma Expert" at Innerspace.

  • Guest speaker
    Karsten Herrmann Senior Quality Assurance Trainer @ IDT Biologika

    With a background in chemistry and biotechnology, Karsten Herrmann's natural habitat was the lab environment for a long time. When joining IDT Biologika GmbH, he left the white lab coat behind but took his deep knowledge of the processes with him to support the "Team Production Excellence." Now, as a "Senior Quality Assurance Trainer," he passes the torch on to others.

  • Guest speaker
    Sabine Hartmann Manager Programs & Events @ PDA - Parenteral Drug Association


Impactful Cleanroom Training

Innerspace helps leading pharmaceutical companies train and assess cleanroom personnel more effectively than before to prevent mistakes and reduce risk.

We offer a scalable and globally implementable cleanroom simulator for training operators.