About this event
Day one
possible timing (CET) Duration topic speaker
09:00 00:05 General Introduction David Lloyd
09:05 00:15 Introduction to EUCLEG Bernadette Julier
09:20 00:40 Lessons learned on the design and planning of scale multi-location trials and phenotypic assessment for association studies Isabel Roldán-Ruiz
10:00 00:15 Introduction to inbreeding species: traditional breeding methodologies David Lloyd
10:15 00:15 break
10:30 00:40 Genomics assisted breeding in soybean Hilde Muylle
11:10 00:40 Genomics assisted breeding in pea Radu Grumeza
11:50 00:40 Genomics assisted breeding in faba bean Anna Maria Torres
12:30 close
Total 03:30
Day two
possible timing (CET) Duration topic speaker
09:00 00:40 Selection of genotyping platforms: GBS and SNP arrays for individuals and populations Leif Skot
09:40 00:40 Plant Genetic Resources and how to access their information through information systems Stephan Weise
10:20 00:15 Introduction to outbreeding species: traditional breeding methodologies David Lloyd
10:35 00:30 break
11:05 00:40 Genomics assisted breeding in alfalfa Bernadette Julier
11:45 00:40 Genomics assisted breeding in red clover Roland Kölliker
12:25 00:20 General discussion and close All
Total 03:45
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