INRAE invites you to their event

Microgenomics 2021 Single-Cell Analytics

About this event

Single-cell analysis is attracting considerable interest in various areas of scientific research, particularly in oncology, where it is used to dissect tumor heterogeneity both at the tissue level and at the level of circulating tumor cells. Despite the continuous technological development in this field, researchers often face problems related to the application of single-cell analysis in their different and specific fields. Many challenges still need to be overcome to achieve widespread use of these new and often sophisticated technologies, especially when it comes to the management of cancer patients. This webinar aims to highlight the most critical issues and the most important results that can be achieved by this type of research

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    MK G
    Mikael Kubista

  • Guest speaker
    PP G
    Pamela Pinzani

  • Guest speaker
    LV G
    Lukas Valihrach

  • Guest speaker
    NL G
    Nicola Luchi

  • Guest speaker
    CB G
    Claudia Bevilacqua

  • Guest speaker
    VB G
    Vladimir Benes

  • Guest speaker
    WB G
    Wendy Brand-William

  • Guest speaker
    SH G
    Stefan Heckmann