Inria invites you to their event

First French-Chinese Workshop on Problem Solving

Hosted by

  • Team member
    NS T
    Nour Soueidan

  • Guest speaker
    JX G
    Jianyong Xue

  • Guest speaker
    EP G
    Emmanuel Procyk

    "Problem-solving: links to adaptative decision-making and prefrontal functions"

  • Guest speaker
    MK G
    Mehdi Khamassi

    "Problem-solving as retrospective and prospective search in memory and imagination"

  • Guest speaker
    JX G
    Junliang Xing

    "Learning to Explore an Unknown World from an Intelligent Agent's Perspective"

  • Guest speaker
    XW G
    Xiaohong Wan

    "Problem-solving driven by internal and external motivations"

  • Guest speaker
    TY G
    Tianming Yang

    "Monkey Pac-Man: An animal model for studying problem solving"

  • Guest speaker
    FA G
    Frederic Alexandre

  • Guest speaker
    VC G
    Vicky Charisi

    "The impact of robot interventions on children's problem-solving process"

  • Guest speaker
    SY G
    Shan Yu


Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique