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France is AI [talks] #2 - by PRAIRIE with France Digitale

About this event

France Digitale et PRAIRIE continuent leur collaboration en lançant France is AI Talks, l’événement mensuel des meilleurs chercheurs français en IA installés à l’étranger.

Le 3 mars prochain, France is AI talks, l'événement mensuel de France Digitale et de l'institut PRAIRIE, recevra l’emblématique Yann Le Cun, professeur à l’Université de New York et vice-président et responsable scientifique de l’IA de Facebook. Il est lauréat du prix Turing 2018.

The idea of machines that can learn, and thereby acquire some level of intelligence,dates back to the 1940s and pioneers of cybernetics, mathematics and computer science such as Norbert Wiener and Alan Turing. The history of machine learning research is full of false starts, winters, and rebounds.Drawing on my obsession with the subject for the last four decades, I will draw some lessons from my experience as a French scientists abroad, having split my time between academia and industry: how ideas appear, how they are resisted and adopted; the roles of intuition, tools, empiricism, theory; the interaction between science and technology, and between academia and industry.I will devote the second part of my presentation to the scientific and technological obstacles still faced by AI, and current efforts to overcome them, including self-supervised learning.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Lucile Moreno

  • Guest speaker
    Isabelle Ryl

  • Guest speaker
    YL G
    Yann Lecun

  • Guest speaker
    JB G
    Jean-Luc Beylat

  • Guest speaker
    JF G
    Julia Fenart


Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique