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France is AI [talks] #4 - by PRAIRIE with France Digitale

About this event

France Digitale et PRAIRIE continuent leur collaboration en lançant France is AI Talks, l’événement mensuel des meilleurs chercheurs français en IA installés à l’étranger.

Le 10 mai prochain, France is AI talks, l'événement mensuel de France Digitale et de l'institut PRAIRIE, recevra Gérard Medioni, Vice President/Distinguished Scientist, Amazon.

I have been privileged to work on Computer Vision from the early days of the field, both in academia and in industry, aiming to solve real problems, and create products, beyond papers or proof of concept demos. On this journey, we will explore several different applications, from halftone registration (Opti-copy) to virtual billboard insertion in live video (Symah Vision), animation in video (Bigstage), 3D image capture (PrimeSense). From these, we’ll infer lessons about technology, business, and the tricky road to success or failure. In the second part, I will describe the process of invention at Amazon, and the technology powering Amazon Go and Amazon One.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    JF G
    Julia Fenart

  • Guest speaker
    GM G
    Gérard Medioni

  • Guest speaker
    Isabelle Ryl

  • Guest speaker
    Jean Ponce


Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique