ISMIE Risk Management invites you to their event

Negligent Credentialing: Making Sure Your Organization is Not at Risk

About this event

This session will focus on proper provider credentialing which is important in order to ensure quality patient care, but it is also necessary to protect your organization from negligent credentialing litigation. Failure to follow a consistent credentialing process, or failure to complete the process in its entirety, may lead to a negligent credentialing cause of action. In the event of litigation, the veracity of provider credentialing is heavily scrutinized, which can, in turn, lead to greater exposure and liability on the part of your organization.  

This fast-paced, informative webinar will provide background information on the rise in negligent credentialing litigation and will give you and your organization the tools needed to identify weaknesses in your credentialing program and avoid costly negligent credentialing practices.

Who can attend

Registration is limited to ISMIE and SEMPIC policyholders and their employed staff.

Learning objectives

  1. Describe the history of credentialing in the legal system
  2. Identify the rise of negligent credentialing lawsuits
  3. Recognize why we credential healthcare professionals
  4. Examine how to assess your credentialing program
  5. Identify how to avoid various errors
  6. Summarize possible strategies to implement when faced with litigation
  7. Illustrate a plan to leverage technology to ensure proper credentialing practices

About the presenter

Ted Gottis is a federal and state regulatory affairs specialist. He has worked in the nonprofit and private sectors overseeing statutory and social compliance. Ted brings his expertise to creating and maintaining regulatory relationships within MedTrainer. He coordinates efforts between subject matter experts, legal review process and regulatory review efforts. Ted provides support to entities to ensure adherence to local, state and federal laws and to ensure operations are conducted in a socially responsible manner.


This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Illinois State Medical Society and ISMIE Mutual Insurance Company. The Illinois State Medical Society is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit designation 

The Illinois State Medical Society designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.


There are no relevant financial relationships with ACCME-defined commercial interests for anyone who was in control of the content of this activity.

ISMIE Risk Management

Our Passion Protects Yours

ISMIE Mutual provides superior insurance services to medical practices and providers, delivering quality, value and protection to policyholders everywhere.