Jamie's Farm invites you to their event

Decoding Behaviour Workshop: When the sanctions don't work

About this event

What can we do to support children who are persistently disruptive and don't respond to the sanction system?

We've all been there. You're trying to teach your well planned lesson to your class, but the same young person is causing disruption and stopping others from learning again. Despite you implementing the behaviour policy consistently, following through with each level of sanction, this young person seems to be immune to it all, and things are getting worse, not better.

Persistently disruptive behaviour is the top reason children end up being permanently excluded from school, and it's also one of the top reasons teachers cite for wanting to leaving the profession.

Join Tish Feilden (Co-Founder of Jamie's Farm), Beth Walker (Therapeutic Coordinator) and Adele (Youth Champion) to unpick:

  • When and why sanctions can become ineffective
  • What might be underlying these persistent behaviours
  • How we can look after ourselves as adults
  • Alternative approaches

This will be a live, interactive session with opportunities for sharing best practice, so we'd really appreciate your participation where possible.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    BW G
    Beth Walker Therapeutic Coordinator @ Jamie's Farm

  • Guest speaker
    TF G
    Tish Feilden Co-founder @ Jamie's Farm

  • Team member
    CR T
    Chloe Raynor

Jamie's Farm

Jamie’s Farm acts as a catalyst for change, enabling disadvantaged young people to thrive academically, socially and emotionally.