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About this event
How ICME enables Digital Transformation in Composite Manufacturing
As manufacturing industries shift towards 4.0 post COVID-19 to meet increased productivity and mass personalization needs, materials will play an ever more central role in successful products and businesses.
The latest engineered materials come with a series of challenges however, such as increased complexity, strong manufacturing-performance interdependence, a need for significant material characterization or requirements around access control to proprietary or sensitive information. When it comes to composite materials in particular, their full potential can truly be unleashed with the aid of a material and process digital twin supported by ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering).
ICME is the full integration of processing-microstructure-property-performance relationships at various length scales, wherein the linkages from processing all the way up to performance can be made and utilized to inform smart design and manufacturing decisions.
In this webinar, we will discuss:
Philippe HEBERT, Product Marketing Manager @ e-Xstream Engineering (part of Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence Division)
Philippe is a materials engineer passionate about global challenges and in particular usage & impact of energy and resources in our 21st century economies. He has held various positions at e-Xstream engineering across application engineering, product management and product marketing, always with the same motto: help the industry make a smart use of materials for a better future.
Hosted by
Philippe is a materials engineer passionate about global challenges and in particular usage & impact of energy and resources in our 21st century economies.
JEC is the world's leading company dedicated entirely to the development of information and business connections channels and platforms supporting the growth and promotion of the composite materials industry.