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About this event
Thermoplastic Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Technology
Meeting the Cost-Efficiency & Sustainability Targets
Cost saving lightweight material solutions are key targets for many industries. EconCore’s ThermHex technology for sandwich panels and parts with thermoplastic honeycombs delivers the key ingredients including sustainability. The continuous in-line automated production process brings cost efficiency, while the honeycomb structure allows for maximal performance with minimal use of material, which reduces material costs, weight and CO2 emissions.
In this webinar, Dr.-Ing. Jochen PFLUG, CEO of EconCore NV & Managing Director of ThermHex Waben GmbH and Tomasz CZARNECKI, COO of EconCore NV, will discuss:
Dr.-Ing. Jochen PFLUG, CEO @ EconCore NV & Managing Director @ ThermHex Waben GmbH
Jochen Pflug graduated in 1994 from the University of Applied Science Aachen in Aerospace Engineering.
In 1996 he received his master degree in Polymer and Composites Engineering from the KU Leuven.
From 1996 to 2005 he was research assistant in the Composites Materials Research Group of Prof. Verpoest at the Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering (MTM) of the KU Leuven and obtained his PhD in 2018.
In 2005 he founded EconCore and became Chairman of the Board. Since 2007 he is Chief Executive Officer of EconCore N.V. and since 2010 Managing Director at ThermHex Waben GmbH.
Tomasz CZARNECKI, COO @ EconCore NV
Tomasz Czarnecki, graduated in 2002 from the Technical University of Czestochowa, Poland, in Materials Engineering.
From 2003 to 2006 he was a researcher at the Composites Materials Group at the K.U. Leuven in Belgium, with the focus on lightweight sandwich structures and natural fibre composites.
Tomasz was a member of the development team of the “first composite suitcase” launched by Samsonite in 2005 - Cosmolite.
In 2006 he joined EconCore where initially he took responsibilities for Materials and Applications Development.
Through his carrier Tomasz was developing lightweight material solutions for the packaging, automotive, transportation and B&C applications, most often working with leaders of the different market segments. Tomasz’s projects include installation of the honeycomb sandwich panel production technology at TATA STEEL, RENOLIT and others and guiding the companies on processing aspects but also on optimisation of sandwich and composite design with regard to a specific application.
Tomasz had an active role in starting up of EconCore’s daughter company ThermHex Waben GmbH, being today a leading manufacturer of PP honeycomb cores for the composites industry.
In 2011 Tomasz became Technology Manager at EconCore and joined the management team. Today he is combining technical and commercial roles at the company and he is leading EconCore’s licensing activities which include the in-house technology development as well as the key customers’ applications and materials development and optimisation projects.
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