Life Energy Solutions invites you to their event

QSB and Wave Owners Catch-up: How are you getting on? Feedback and Questions.

About this event

This is an interactive webinar where QSB and QSB Wave owners can get together to share their experiences, get feedback and ask questions of us and each other. We are all on an exciting learning journey with the QSB and Wave and speaking to each not only broadens our perspectives and knowledge but encourage us on our individual healing journeys.

 Owning a QSB means that you are not alone because you belong to a community of like-minded people to help and support you.   

Hosted by

  • Team member
    DS T
    David & Margie Slinger

Life Energy Solutions

Healing lives - Energetically

Using unique, cutting-edge technologies based on the work of Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, and Dr. Peter Garyaev we have created an exciting range of products which will protect against EMF (electromagnetic radiation), balance your personal energy. and help heal you and the family.