Life Energy Solutions invites you to their event

Quantum Vibrational Healing Meditation with the QSB

About this event


This is a guided meditation using the QSB linking the solfeggio frequencies it transmits with our energy centres, chakras, and subtle vibration of Solfeggio music embedded with binaural beats.

This meditation being done as a group makes it all the more potent as we connect globally with a shared intent to heal. The guided content will further empower the healing process by aligning our attention and intention with the scalar Solfeggio waves and Solfeggio music.

There will be interactive time after the meditation for sharing and questions.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    JB T
    Jo Beer

  • Team member
    DS T
    David & Margie Slinger

Life Energy Solutions

Healing lives - Energetically

Using unique, cutting-edge technologies based on the work of Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, and Dr. Peter Garyaev we have created an exciting range of products which will protect against EMF (electromagnetic radiation), balance your personal energy. and help heal you and the family.