FT Longitude invites you to their event

Accelerate your customer’s journey: How thought leadership influences the decision to buy


About this event

Accelerate your customer’s journey

How thought leadership influences the decision to buy

Thought leadership has become a vital tool to help B2B companies win business and capture market share.

Yet too frequently, there’s a poor understanding of how senior decision makers seek out and select strategic partners for their biggest initiatives.

With the right thought leadership strategy, marketers can ensure their firms are top of mind when it comes to delivering digital transformation, sustainable business solutions or a future-ready workplace.

But, to be successful, it’s vital to understand how customers make decisions, and how to plan content and insights that support every step of the customer journey.


In this webinar, you’ll hear from customer journey and thought leadership specialists on how marketers can tailor their content strategy to meet the needs of today’s B2B buyers.

Brent Adamson, one of the world’s leading experts on how brand marketing can support the new customer journey, will discuss how companies can adapt to new customer demands.

FT Longitude’s Rob Mitchell (CEO) and Gareth Lofthouse (CRO) will also share insights from new research on how thought leadership supports B2B buying today. We will also be joined by Elena Hickey Saroli, Global Leader of Insights, Buyers & Network at EY for a panel discussion that brings together all four expert perspectives.


This 60-minute session will cover a range of issues including:

  • How companies choose partners and solutions for their biggest transformation initiatives - including which senior executives get involved, and the criteria they use to shortlist vendors
  • How thought leadership informs the way today’s decision makers plan their strategic choices, and identify companies that can help them on their journey
  • What it takes to get noticed by a c-suite decision maker - and how data-backed insights can help put your company ahead of the pack

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Gareth Lofthouse Co-founder and CRO @ Longitude

  • Team member
    Rob Mitchell Co-founder and CEO, Longitude and Chairman of Thought Leadership Network @ Longitude

  • Guest speaker
    Elena Hickey Global C-Suite & Board Insights Leader @ EY

  • Guest speaker
    Brent Adamson Global Head of Research and Communities, Ecosystems, and Author of The Challenger Sale

FT Longitude

Webinars from FT Longitude

We harness the power of intelligence with influence to leave a lasting impression on the world of business. With a focus on pioneering thought leadership strategies, we create high-impact campaigns that transform perceptions.