MBADMB vous invite à son événement

Shanghai : Boost your employability with the specialised MBA Digital Marketing & Business ESSCA-EFAP

À propos de cet événement

Never before has the concept of a VUCA world (Volatile - Uncertain - Complex and Ambiguous) been so apt to describe the environment in which we live and will live in the future.

Knowledge and, above all, mastery of digital marketing and communication skills are now vital if you are to succeed in your career plans and increase your employability.

DMB is the leading course in the field of digital transformation. This program in Shanghai is a double degree ESSCA (Msc) and EFAP (Specialised MBA). It is provided 100% in english.

  • What skills are essential in Marketing/Com?
  • What soft skills are essential in this sector?
  • How can AI enhance us rather than replace us?
  • Feedback from alumni
  • Q&A with participants

These are just some of the topics covered at this conference, hosted by :

  • Véronique Moreau, Head of studies, Specialised MBA Digital Marketing & Business
  • Xavier Brochart, Principal lecturer, ESSCA / EFAP
  • Enora Le Nozaih, Customer Success Manager, wax, Alumni mbadmb

Whether you're currently employed, considering a career change, working on an entrepreneurial project, or a student seeking a fifth-year opportunity in an initial course or apprenticeship, come and learn more about our program.

For more information about this event or our programmes, please contact Syrine Mehri, Director of admissions : - 01 85 34 10 13.

Proposé par

  • Membre de l'équipe
    Véronique Moreau Directrice des études MBADMB @ EFAP PARIS MBA


Le MBA Spécialisé leader de la transformation digitale

N°1 du classement Eduniversal des meilleurs masters et MBA en digital, le MBA spécialisé Digital Marketing & Business de l'EFAP est la formation de référence du marketing et de la communication digitale, de l'IA et de la transformation numérique des entreprises. En 1 an ou en 2 ans - RNCP Bac+5