Miami Ad School invites you to their event

Miami Ad School | Getting a Job in Advertising

About this event


Let's make sure you get it.

Come dive into the world of advertising with industry pros Rebecca Roviroso-Capote and Bre Fernandez-Powell!

They're here to guide you through everything from portfolios, to planning, to acing those interviews, all aimed at helping you score your first gig in advertising.

*** Miami Ad School is the 6-time winner of School of the Year at the iconic Cannes International Festival of Creativity***

See you soon!

Miami Ad School Team

Hosted by

  • Team member
    AA T
    Allan Alvarez Director of Development and Marketing @ Miami Ad School

  • Team member
    Shayan Trandafir Miami Ad School

    At Miami Ad School, we teach young creatives to harness their superpower and build lucrative and long-lasting creative careers. We do it by focusing on practical education. Here, you'll learn by trying real-world projects assigned and judged by working professionals.

  • Guest speaker
    RR G
    Rebecca Rovirosa-Capote President @ AAF Miami

  • Guest speaker
    BF G
    Brenda Fernandez Copywriter, Instructor

Miami Ad School

Become who you're meant to be.

At Miami Ad School, we teach young creatives to harness their superpower and build lucrative and long-lasting creative careers. We do it by focusing on practical education. Here, you'll learn by trying real-world projects assigned and judged by working professionals.