Miami Ad School invites you to their event

Miami Ad School Webinar - Bootcamps

About this event

Want to take the next step as a strategist?

We can help.

At Miami Ad School, we teach creatives to harness their superpower and build lucrative and long-lasting creative careers. We do it by focusing on practical education.

Here, you'll learn by trying real-world projects assigned and judged by working professionals.

-->Build your professional network of creative insiders

--> Meet new mentors

--> Craft a creative portfolio that will impress hiring managers

--> Get promoted or hired in the strategy industry

*** Miami Ad School was named the Future Lions School of the Year at the iconic Cannes International Festival of Creativity held in June 2022. ***

See you soon!

Miami Ad School Team

Hosted by

  • Team member
    AA T
    Allan Alvarez Director of Development and Marketing @ Miami Ad School

  • Guest speaker
    NC G
    Nancy Chang

  • Guest speaker
    DJ G
    Danica Johnson

  • Team member
    Shayan Trandafir Miami Ad School

    At Miami Ad School, we teach young creatives to harness their superpower and build lucrative and long-lasting creative careers. We do it by focusing on practical education. Here, you'll learn by trying real-world projects assigned and judged by working professionals.

Miami Ad School

Become who you're meant to be.

At Miami Ad School, we teach young creatives to harness their superpower and build lucrative and long-lasting creative careers. We do it by focusing on practical education. Here, you'll learn by trying real-world projects assigned and judged by working professionals.