Breeze invites you to their event

2024 State of Business Carbon Accounting Launch Event

About this event

We've conducted a survey with our users and audience to understand the ins and outs of carbon accounting, and we're excited to share the results with you in our "2024 State of Business Carbon Accounting" report.

Join us in this webinar where we'll dive deeper into the findings, share experiences, and answer your questions.

Key Findings

  • Transparency is on the rise: More businesses are getting open about their GHG emissions. It's a step in the right direction for accountability.
  • Reducing costs is possible: The more you know and the better tools you use, the less expensive carbon accounting becomes.
  • Software beats spreadsheets: Moving from Excel to specialized software makes a huge difference in managing and analyzing carbon data efficiently.

Download the report here

Hosted by

  • Team member
    LF T
    Lucas Fraser


Carbon Accounting, Simplified

Breeze is a sustainability impact data tracking platform. Track activity data, calculate greenhouse gas emissions, manage goals and projects, and more.