Nanoscience Instruments invites you to their event

Theta Thursday #1 - Going Full-Tilt: Dynamic Contact Angle Measurements with a Tilting Cradle

About this event

In the first edition of Theta Optical Tensiometry Summer Masterclass Series, we will be shifting our perspective, quite literally, with tilting contact angle measurements on the Theta Flow/Flex Optical Tensiometer. Dynamic contact angle measurements through droplet tilting are a great way to assess the efficacy, quality, and history of coatings that have performance properties dependent on their wettability: such as liquid-repellent/phobic surfaces, self-cleaning, anti-microbial, bonding, etc. While this experiment is deceptively simple, there are important considerations for a successful measurement. In this masterclass, we will go through a dynamic contact angle measurement using the tilting cradle, manually rotating the entire optical tensiometer while capturing droplet images as the sample and droplet tilts. We will focus on key parameters in the setup and the automated hardware/software features in OneAttension to enhance the accuracy and reproducibility of this measurement.

We will cover:

·         Setting up samples with the tilting cradle equipped Theta Flow/Flex optical tensiometer.

·         Important experimental considerations for tilting dynamic contact angle measurements.

·         Software recipes in OneAttension for consistent droplet recording and data analysis.

About the Theta Optical Tensiometry Masterclass Series:

Coming this Fall 2024, Nanoscience Instruments will be hosting a series of Theta Optical Tensiometry demonstration masterclasses. This series will focus on giving pragmatic, hands-on applications of optical tensiometry techniques beyond basic contact angle measurements. While these measurements still have their importance, the Theta Optical tensiometers have many advanced capabilities that may be underutilized. To bridge this gap, each session will focus on a different technique, like tilting or roughness corrected contact angle measurements. This will include helpful tips for the set up and execution of each technique, while avoiding common mistakes for a more successful measurement. We hope this series will inspire current and potential Theta tensiometry users to expand their measurement arsenal and gain the knowledge necessary to apply these techniques confidently.

Session 1: Going Full-Tilt: Dynamic Contact Angle Measurements with a Tilting Cradle – October 10

Session 2: Applying Roughness Corrected Contact Angle with the 3D Topography Module – October 31

Session 3: It’s a Small World: Contact Angles at the Picoliter Scale – November 19

Session 4: Dynamic Contact Angle Measurements with a Tilting Stage – TBD

Session 5: Captive Bubble and Interfacial Tension Measurements w/ Hooked Needle – TBD

Session 6: Dilatational Interfacial Rheology with the Pulsating Drop Module – TBD

Hosted by

  • Team member
    VO T
    Vincent Ovalle Application Scientist and Attension/KSV NIMA Product Manager @ Nanoscience Instruments

  • Team member
    Isabella Germinario Scientific Marketing Associate @ Nanoscience Instruments

Nanoscience Instruments

Serving the nano-World

Nanoscience Instruments combines expertise in microscopy and surface science instrumentation with real-world solutions. We partner with innovative instrument manufacturers around the world to help scientists and engineers solve complex problems leading to break-through innovations.