Netfira invites you to their event

Pfleiderer Case Study

About this event

Watch the Pfleiderer case study here.

Pfleiderer – a specialist in wood-based materials – now generates around 1 billion euros per year despite a turbulent history. Digitisation of business processes has backed Pfleiderer’s recent focus on value-adding product categories. As part of this digitisation, it was necessary to modernise the operational purchasing accordingly. Since 2018, the Netfira Platform has afforded the purchasing team at Pfleiderer tremendous freedom and supported strategic processes. Flexible document recognition through solution modules, automated document flows, and digital supplier connectivity are just some of the benefits afforded by the Netfira Platform. 

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    Kim Bührle Netfira


Automated document processing

Take control of your B2B processes with Netfira's innovative software solution for automated document processing for enterprises.