About this event
Gain a holistic understanding of project management for medical device product development. At a high level, you will learn what a medical device is and the role of a Quality Management System in case you are joining us from a different industry. You’ll gain an understanding of the role of the project manager and how the project manager helps to balance compliance and value delivery.
Best practices, including the use of phase gates to ensure deliverables are completed at the appropriate times to ensure compliance, will be shared. The webinar will review example phases with activities and deliverables. The webinar will end with a Q&A, during which you will have an opportunity to share your own experiences with best practices in medical device product development projects.
Network Partners Group (NPG) is a leading life sciences consulting firm serving in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries. NPG has five Centers of Excellence, specializing in labeling, packaging engineering, quality, regulatory affairs, and project management.