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NXUnite Demo Coffee Hours: Alternative Ways to Fundraise and Engage

About this event

NXUnite Demo Coffee Hours

Ever wondered how some of the best software, applications, and services in the mission-driven sector work? Now’s your chance to get an in-depth look through NXUnite Demo Coffee Hours. These hour-long sessions allow the nonprofit community to find and connect with the best resources they can use to advance their missions. Each session has a certain theme and will consist of 5 to 6 presenters.

Interested in learning more about a certain presenter’s product? We’ve got you covered. All you have to do is click on the “know more” button at the end of your preferred presenter’s session.

Alternative Ways to Fundraise and Engage

For this session, we’ve invited presenters with products and services designed to help you fundraise and engage.

Fundraising and engagement are major determinants of success in the mission-driven space. Whether you’re looking for new donors or re-engaging existing ones, our presenters have got your back! With the ever-changing landscape of fundraising and donor engagement, what tools should your nonprofit leverage to increase the likelihood of success? Find out here!

Presentation Roster


DipJar enables cashless generosity via a hardware, software, and payments platform for joyful, friction-free donations. With DipJar, organizations large and small can collect new donations and capture new donors wherever they're face-to-face with supporters — at their headquarters, at special events, and in cause marketing campaigns with corporate and retail partners. As usage of cash, checks, and paper pledge cards declines, DipJar steps in to keep fundraising fast and easy.

Presenter: Melissa Smith

Double the Donation

Double the Donation is the leading provider of corporate employee matching gift tools.

Through the use of matching gift software, nonprofits, schools, and universities significantly boost their matching gift and volunteer grant revenue.

Double the Donation is known for having the world's most comprehensive database of more than 20,000 companies and subsidiaries that offer matching gift programs. Each entry in the database includes actionable information about a specific company’s match limits, match ratios, deadlines to submit, forms/next steps, and more.

Presenter: Sydney Faye Williams

Getting Attention

Reach new audiences. Connect with new donors, volunteers, advocates, and beneficiaries by picking high-quality keywords.

Amplify your pages on Google Search. Whenever you search for something on Google, ads are displayed at the top. These ads are paid for by businesses and nonprofits, and your ads could be included for the keywords you bid on!

Automatically receive the grant each month. So long as you comply with the program’s rules, the grant will automatically renew each month.

Getting Attention is here to champion your nonprofit’s digital campaigns. Backed by their Google Ad Grants managers, take your search engine marketing to a whole new level!

Presenter: Jessica King


NPOInfo is the data enrichment service designed to improve your fundraising efficiency with accurate data that drives more revenue. NPOInfo makes your donor data more robust by appending any missing data points to your existing files. Whether you’re a small nonprofit with only a few hundred donor records or a large association with thousands of records to append, NPOInfo can help you track down vital information about your constituents.

Presenter: Brian Lacy


OmniAlly is the leading provider of digital donor wall solutions. 

Modernizing donor walls with technology to ignite a culture of philanthropy for nonprofits, OmniAlly is known for its ability to celebrate supporters and demonstrate organizations’ mission impact through digital storytelling to inspire a culture of philanthropy.

Presenter: Robert Sellman

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Hosted by

  • Team member
    Malou de Gracia Team Member @ Nexus Marketing

  • Team member
    Colleen Carroll NXUnite Lead @ Nexus Marketing

  • Team member
    Team NXUnite NXUnite

    NXUnite is here to make introductions that lead to lasting relationships.

  • Guest speaker
    Melissa Smith VP of Marketing and Strategy @ DipJar

  • Guest speaker
    Jessica King Business Lead @ Getting Attention

  • Guest speaker
    Brian Lacy Data Consultant @ NPOInfo

  • Guest speaker
    Robert Sellman SVP of Sales @ OmniAlly

  • Guest speaker
    Sydney Faye Williams Sales Manager @ Double the Donation


Making introductions that lead to lasting relationships.

NXUnite by Nexus Marketing is an online community resource for change-makers to learn, network, and grow.

NXUnite panels are engaging conversations between Nexus network experts and nonprofit and mission-driven professionals that address what matters to the mission-driven sector.