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SDG Business Forum 2021

About this event

SDG Business Forum 2021

(Digital) Innovations and New Business Models for Sustainable Global Development

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) calls for joint solutions to global challenges such as demographic change, rapid urbanization, resource scarcity and climate change, and aims to create framework conditions for sustainable growth and prosperity worldwide. In order to achieve the SDGs, there is a great need for public and private investments, especially in low-income countries, where global sustainable development will be decided.

The COVID-19 crisis is putting companies and their ability to operate in a state of emergency and adapt to new realities to the test. At the same time, global challenges such as climate change, to which the SDGs refer, impact the resilience of companies.

Dealing with these complex global challenges requires unprecedented (digital) innovations and rethinking established business models, which in turn will impact the resilience and competitiveness of companies. Businesses that are already investing in corresponding (digital) solutions and the adaptation of business models can harness the market potential of the SDGs and make a contribution to their achievement.

The following questions will be at the centre of the SDG Business Forum 2021:

  • How can companies build competitive advantages and resilience while strategically integrating the SDGs and digitalization?
  • How can (digital) business models be developed that react to current trends?
  • What role do the SDGs and new technologies play in building (digital) innovation capacities?
  • How can new (digital) partnerships strengthen the innovative ability and business value of companies?


09.00 am


Federal Minister Margarete Schramböck | BMDW

Director General Cynthia Zimmermann | BMDW

09.15 am


Keynote 1: SDG as Driver for (digital) Innovations

  • Darja Isaksson | Vinnova

Keynote 2: Resilience through the Strategic Incorporation of the SDG in the Business Model

  • Michael Friedmann | Rosenbauer

Panel Discussion:

  • Michael Friedmann | Rosenbauer
  • Ludovit Garzik | Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development
  • Darja Isaksson | Vinnova
  • Kambis Kohansal Vajargah | Austrian Economic Chambers

10.30 am

Break (15 ')

10.45 am

Session 1: SDG Innovation Journey

Impuls 1: Stine Kirstein Junge | SDG Accelerator for SME

Impuls 2: Werner Heinz Bittner | Former CEO Umdasch Group Ventures


  • Marlis Baurecht | aws
  • Werner Heinz Bittner | Former CEO Umdasch Group Ventures
  • Stine Kirstein Junge | SDG Accelerator for SME

11.40 am

Break (5 ')

11.45 am

Session 2: Business Cooperation as Innovation Enabler (German)

Impuls 1: Cristina Tewes-Gradl | Endeva

Impuls 2: Stefan Kreppel | Palfinger 21st


  • Katharina Jarmai | FHWien
  • Stefan Kreppel | Palfinger 21st
  • Cristina Tewes-Gradl | Endeva

12.45 am


13:00 am


Host: Gerald Berger | freelance moderator


Die Agenda 2030 der Vereinten Nationen ruft mit den 17 Zielen für globale nachhaltige Entwicklung/SDG zur gemeinsamen Lösung globaler Herausforderungen wie demographischer Wandel, rasante Urbanisierung, Ressourcenknappheit oder Klimawandel auf. Um die SDG zu erreichen, besteht ein hoher Bedarf an öffentlichen wie privaten Investitionen, allen voran in Low-Income-Ländern, wo sich globale nachhaltige Entwicklung entscheiden wird. In Österreich wurden die Bundesministerien mit der kohärenten Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 in ihren jeweiligen Zuständigkeitsbereichen beauftragt. Die österreichische Außenwirtschaftspolitik des Bundesministerium für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort (BMDW) rückt dabei die heimischen Unternehmen in den Fokus und etablierte 2017 die Plattform SDG Business Forum - Österreichs Wirtschaft und die globalen Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Das SDG Business Forum 2020/21 legt einen Schwerpunkt auf “(digitale) Innovationen und neue Geschäftsmodelle für nachhaltige globale Entwicklung”.