IDEXX Water Academy invites you to a webinar

SimPlate for HPC Testing

Thursday, September 22nd 2022 - 5:00 PM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

The SimPlate test for HPC is U.S. EPA-approved under the Surface Water Treatment Rule 40 CFR 141.74 and included in Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. Join IDEXX Water product manager Emily Frawley for this 1-hour session on how HPC testing works with SimPlate. This session also includes time for interactive questions and answers with Emily about this test.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    IDEXX Water Academy IDEXX

    The IDEXX Water Academy provides expert online training and webinars for laboratory managers, technicians, and other water professionals to enhance their laboratories and develop their careers.

  • Team member
    Emily Frawley Product Manager @ IDEXX


IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. is an American multinational corporation engaged in the development, manufacture, and distribution of products and services for the companion animal veterinary, livestock and poultry, water testing, and dairy markets.