ReadSpeaker invites you to their event

Leveling the Playing Field for ELL Students: How Assistive Technology Plays a Pivotal Role

About this event

“Second-generation Americans, children born in the United States to immigrant parents, currently account for almost 20% of all U.S. college students and 24% of community college students.” (Source) Knowing this information, how do we level the playing field? Assistive technologies help provide ESL students with meaningful, relevant, and individualized learning experiences. Learn how Springfield Technical Community College utilizes ReadSpeaker and other assistive technology to meet the needs of this diverse, growing population.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Ginger Dewey Educational Development Manager @ ReadSpeaker, LLC

    Ginger Dewey taught for 38 years in K12 and higher ed, mostly in higher ed. After retiring from higher ed, she transitioned to for ReadSpeaker, doing what she loves - faculty training. She is married with two adult children: daughter - Civil Engineer, & son - Marine Corps.Sergeant.


Pioneering Voice Technology

ReadSpeaker has 25 years experience providing lifelike online and offline text-to-speech solutions to over 10,000 organisations in 70+ countries.