FT Longitude invites you to their event

Audio storytelling showcase: Best-in-class audio thought leadership


About this event


A fresh and inspiring take on audio content for insight-led campaigns

Which brands are using audio in current thought leadership campaigns? And how is it used to best effect?

Experience best-in-class audio in our upcoming webinar, where Longitude’s head of audio Meg Wright, and our co-founder James Watson take us through recent examples of creative and innovative audio in B2B.

We discuss ways to leverage this powerful medium alongside other formats and campaign assets. And, same as always, we’ll share practical advice on how to apply these lessons to your next campaign.

Join us to hear more about:

  • Which brands are using audio to build authenticity and trust
  • How audiences respond to quality audio experiences
  • Why serialised audio content doesn’t have to mean a podcast
  • Where new techniques and audience trends are taking this booming genre.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Megan Wright Senior Editor and Head of Audio @ Longitude

    With a passion for storytelling and global experience in thought leadership, Meg utilises her skills in writing, editing, podcast and video production to develop and execute strategic campaigns that drive the right results for her clients.

  • Guest speaker
    James Watson Co-founder and COO @ Longitude

FT Longitude

Webinars from FT Longitude

We harness the power of intelligence with influence to leave a lasting impression on the world of business. With a focus on pioneering thought leadership strategies, we create high-impact campaigns that transform perceptions.