Double the Donation invites you to their event

Empowering Participation: The Influence of Leaderboards and Matching Gifts on School Fundraising

About this event

As a school development/alumni team, you understand the importance of creating a giving culture that empowers participation and fosters a sense of community among your supporters.

Fortunately, incorporating leaderboards into your campaigns and informing supporters of corporate matching gift opportunities can help you do just that. But, you might be wondering: what are the best practices to keep in mind? How can I leverage both of these opportunities to their fullest potential?

Join Double the Donation and Boost My School for this presentation as we discuss:

  • How leaderboards can turn inspire healthy competition and motivate participants
  • Why leaderboards are powerful in engaging parents, alumni, grandparents, and other valuable supporters
  • Why incorporating matching gifts into your donation process is crucial
  • How matching gifs can incentivize supporters to get involved

By the end of this presentation, you will feel equipped to leverage leaderboards and matching gifts to empower participation, nurture community spirit, and achieve exceptional fundraising outcomes for your school.

Unable to attend the day of the presentation? Register anyway to receive a recording sent straight to your inbox.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Mackenzie Burckbuchler Partnership Success Specialist @ Double the Donation

  • Guest speaker
    Holman Gao Founder & CEO @ Boost My School

Double the Donation

The industry leader in matching gift automation

Double the Donation is the leading provider of matching gift automation to fundraising organizations. Their product, 360MatchPro integrates seamlessly with fundraising platforms to increase revenue. DTD also specializes in industry research and resources to aid in nonprofit success.