Scope Group invites you to their event

Spain: public, regional, bank finance - assessing the outlook for 2023

About this event

Spain has pulled through the Covid-19 and energy crises relatively unscathed economically, but faces its own set of fiscal and financial challenges amid high inflation and rising interest rates. Please join analysts from Scope’s Sovereign, Public Sector and Financial Institutions ratings teams for a discussion of the economic and budgetary outlook for Spain and its regions and the impact on Spanish banks.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Jakob Suwalski Director, Sovereign and Public Sector @ Scope Ratings

  • Guest speaker
    Giulia Branz Analyst, Sovereigns @ Scope Ratings

  • Guest speaker
    Chiara Romano

  • Guest speaker
    Dierk Brandenburg Head of ESG and Credit Research @ Scope Ratings

Scope Group

We are the leading European provider of credit ratings, fund analyses and bespoke solutions for assessing and monitoring risk. Impressum

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