Colorado invites you to their event

English session: reinventing customer journeys

About this event

Technological change, evolving customer expectations, new forms of work... are all elements that will reshape the Customer Relationship of tomorrow.

In this changing environment, the winning brands are those that rethink their customer journeys to better respond to changing expectations and needs:

  • What will customers expect in the coming years?
  • What will technology bring to the customer experience of tomorrow?
  • How will customer operations evolve in the next 5 years?

Our speakers:

  • Dave Brown: Growth Development Director
  • Paul Egan: Global & Emerging Tech Director
  • Guillaume Langle: Automotive & Mobility Industry Executive


Colorado Groupe a pour vocation d'accompagner les entreprises et les grands groupes à imaginer et à mettre en œuvre une expérience client simple, efficace, cohérente sur l’ensemble des canaux et plus en phase avec les attentes en profonde mutation du nouveau client numérique.