Greenbook invites you to their event

Human-Centric Innovation: How to Combine Generative AI and Anthropology for Groundbreaking Insights

About this event

Can Generative AI Drive Human-Centricity?

Generative AI has taken the world - and our industry - by storm. Yet despite its promise, we still have more questions than answers when it comes to the long-term benefits and ‘watch-outs’.

In fact, we have yet to fully grasp how Generative AI falters in capturing human needs — and it’s critical for us to be proactive in developing strategies to overcome these limitations.

Join GreenBook and MotivBase on Thursday, May 18th at 1 pm ET to delve into the fascinating intersection of artificial intelligence and human-centricity - exploring the potentials and limitations of AI in the world of insights and innovation. You’ll hear from Ujwal Arkalgud, a renowned cultural anthropologist and founder of Lux Motivbase, as he shares his unique expertise and experience in combining the power of AI with Anthropology to forge a new path for understanding culture and human nuances.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how anthropology can work in concert with your own Generative AI applications to serve as a powerful tool in analyzing contextual data and surfacing insights at scale.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Discover the difference between AI applications that restrict human-centricity, like ChatGPT, and those that enhance our connection to culture and consumers.
  • Explore the bookended approach to AI with real-life case studies, resulting in more impactful and relevant insights.
  • Understand the importance of privacy and ethics in the application of AI, and the role we all play in maintaining them.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Ujwal Arkalgud Executive Vice President @ Lux Research

    Ujwal is an award-winning cultural anthropologist and a pioneer in digital ethnography and the study of implicit and symbolic meaning using the internet. In 2015, he co-founded MotivBase, which is the world’s first predictive anthropology research technology that enables the study of meaning and consumer beliefs with big data. He speaks passionately and keynotes on the value of anthropology to corporate innovation across major conferences around the globe and has written two books on the topic. His most recent book, Microcultures: Understanding the Consumer Forces That Will Shape the Future of Your Business, was published in 2020. Since the acquisition of MotivBase by Lux Research in April 2022, Ujwal serves as the Executive Vice President and Group Director for the Anthropology and Consumer Insights portion of Lux Research’s business.


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