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Webinar: Is it time to replace your Amazon API Gateway with Gloo Edge?

About this event

Amazon API Gateway is a popular service that allows developers to publish, monitor, and secure APIs for their AWS services. It’s a fast and easy way to get started, but many users quickly realize its limitations. While working with hundreds of organizations, we have discovered three main reasons users are moving away from the Amazon API Gateway:

  • Expensive Economics at Scale. AWS Lambda is great and allows for ultra low cost ways to build a bajillion microservices. However, as the number of services are broken down into literal functions, it also balloons the number of API calls. That cost is translated directly into higher AWS API Gateway cost and other AWS data transfer costs. 
  • Limited Integration with Container Based Services. When looking for a cloud native gateway, customers want a product that prioritizes Kubernetes, is based on the CNCF Envoy project, works well with GitOps, and is declarative. 
  • Lacking Hybrid, Multi-Cloud and On-Prem Story. A major consideration when choosing an API gateway is having a single product and set of APIs that can route to all your services. 

In this webinar, we will explore the latest features that are now available with Gloo Edge 1.11, and will focus on AWS Lambda integration and discuss how you can replace your AWS API Gateway with Gloo Edge. You will learn how Gloo Edge can be installed on any Kubernetes cluster, VM/EC2 instance, and even in Hashicorp Nomad. Gloo Edge 1.11 also adds new features around observability, Helm, and more. 

Now might be just the right time to replace your AWS API Gateway. 


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    Chris Gaun

API Infrastructure from the Edge to Service Mesh, the modern service connectivity company, delivers API infrastructure from the edge to service mesh, helping enterprises adopt, secure, and operate innovative cloud native technologies