pure::variants from ptc invites you to their event

Managing Variability in Systems of Systems

Thursday, March 3rd 2022 - 3:00 PM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

Are you developing a complex system integrated by multiple independent-constituent systems or components that interact with each other to provide unique capabilities? Are you pursuing a modern way to reuse the common engineering assets and manage the variability in and across systems and components?

In this webcast, you will learn how pure::variants can help you overcome the challenges of variability management in your system of systems.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    RH T
    Rachna Harsh

  • Team member
    YL T
    Yang Li

pure::variants from ptc

Product Line Engineering · Holistic Variant Management

pure::variants is a PLE software tool that integrates with existing development processes to streamline product line development, enhancing engineering efficiency. It centralizes variability management, ensuring consistent results across product variants. With integrations to 20+ engineering tools,