Bizon invites you to their event

The secret to products that work on Amazon!

About this event

Amazon is an invaluable showcase for all brands that want to take off their sales in a big way.

In the United States, there will be approximately 200 million unique visitors per month in 2020 and 493 million active third-party sellers worldwide.

It is essential to work well on your branded content to increase its visibility, improve its sympathy with consumers, and generate credibility, allowing it to multiply its conversions, traffic, and sales.

63% of consumers trust first page results on Amazon to activate the act of purchase in 2020.

As we come to the end of the year, it's time for a facelift and a complete overhaul of your content strategy with our Amazon expert: Devin Booth.

On the program, we will show you that it is essential to know the best practices concerning:

- Pages A +

- Shops

- Product sheets

For that, we will show you some visuals of the model students to follow who use the key to success on Amazon, namely: the Amazon virtuous circle.


Bizon est une agence de Publicis Groupe, 100% dédiée à la performance des marques sur Amazon.

Notre mission est de permettre à toute marque, quelle que soit sa taille ou son marché, de vendre ses produits sur Amazon de la manière la plus optimale possible.
Nous sommes les leaders en France !