Independent Women invites you to their event

#IWFReads Author Chat with Sen. Marsha Blackburn

About this event

Join us for an exciting virtual event: an exclusive #IWFReads Author Chat with Senator Marsha Blackburn on December 3, 2020 at 12:00 pm ET.

We will discuss Sen. Blackburn’s new book, The Mind of a Conservative Woman: Seeking the Best for Family and Country. Sen. Blackburn knows a thing or two about this, as Tennessee’s first female senator.

In her book and throughout the chat, we will discuss:

  • The liberal bias against conservative women (“Progressive Privilege” as IWF calls it), the “Cancel Culture,” and double standards
  • The false perceptions of women by the media and the “war on women”
  • Ways to encourage women to have a seat at the table
  • Her experience as a female elected representative and senator
  • The new wave of feminism during this historic election year for GOP women

This chat will aim to inspire women to be courageous and to stand up for what they believe in, especially amid the “Cancel Culture.”

Don’t miss this special opportunity. Sign up for the #IWFReads Author Chats today.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Hadley Manning

  • Guest speaker
    SB G
    Sen. Marsha Blackburn

  • Guest speaker
    SB G
    Sen. Marsha Blackburn

Independent Women

All Issues Are Women's Issues

Independent Women is the leading national women’s organization dedicated to developing and advancing policies that aren’t just well-intended, but actually enhance people’s freedom, opportunities, and well-being.