Designhill invites you to their event

Top Secrets to Create a Unique Brand Identity

About this event

A strong brand identity not only sets a business apart from the others, but also determines the longevity of a business. It makes a business, unique and creates a unforgettable impression in the users' minds. Positioning your brand in the market is more than just logo and creatives. It has to be an apt combination of design, communication & messaging. These terms may seem interchangeable but hold independent significance of their own. It is equally important to constantly learn from the industry experts who are known to do it in a manner so unignitable. Hence, we have got you to this amazing panel of best creative heads of the industry so you all could make the most of it -

In the Panel, we will discuss -

  • How to create a strong brand identity foundation?
  • How to constantly evolve tangible design assets and improvise?
  • Elements of a good Brand Style Guide : logo, web, design, packaging and other brand collateralsHow to handle criticism and fend for online reputation?

Reinforcing feedback from users and tying it back to the brand identity

Best Strategies & Tips to maintain the health of your brand

Interesting enough? Do register right now to attend the session and receive your recording.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Rob Meyerson

  • Team member
    D. T
    Designhill . Designhill

  • Guest speaker
    RN G
    Robert Nowland

  • Guest speaker
    SP G
    Strat Parrott


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World's #1 creative marketplace for graphic designers & artists to work with clients from all over the world where clients can find quality designs ranging from logo design, T-shirt, packaging, etc at an affordable price.