Gymlib invites you to their event

Chair workout

About this event

Nowadays, everyone knows that sitting all day and not moving sufficiently is not healthy for our body. In fact, sitting is referred to as the new smoking. Telework has made the situation even worse: no more getting up to get a cup of coffee, because the coffee machine is just two steps away. And no more walking to the meeting room, because all meetings are now online.

But, how do we break the chain and how do we ensure that we move sufficiently, even when working from home?

Find out during this interesting webinar during which Declan will share very practical tips and tricks to move more.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    DT G
    Declan Treanor

  • Team member
    Sophie Rives Content Marketing Manager @ Gymlib


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Gymlib est un abonnement unique et sans engagement pour les salariés donnant accès à + 4000 partenaires sport et bien-être, partout en France et en Belgique, pour alterner entre yoga, natation, fitness, foot en salle, boxe, golf, escalade, etc.