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Gloo Mesh Gateway Workshop (CET time zone event)

About this event

Service mesh does an excellent job solving many service-to-service communication challenges of microservices, in addition to some nice traffic control, security, and observability features.

However, Istio gateways don't have all features and capabilities that you could expect from a first-class api gateway.

In this lab we will learn how to extend the Istio gateway capabilities to provide more capabilities, such as:

* Advanced rate limiting

* Advanced security including WAF (Web Application Firewall)

* Advanced external authentication for OIDC, OPA, API keys, and JWT

* Request and response transformations

* Advanced traffic routing and shaping, such as direct responses and route delegation


Interested in another date and time or a dedicated workshop for your team? Email us at to request a workshop.

Have general questions, please join our community slack and learn more about You can also follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter and get the latest updates.

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  • Team member
    Jesus Muñoz Rodriguez Field Engineer @

    Jesus is a Field Engineer at He has worked as an Agile Mentor and has been a DevOps/SRE since before those terms existed, caring deeply about software reliability, build reproducibility and other such things.

API Infrastructure from the Edge to Service Mesh, the modern service connectivity company, delivers API infrastructure from the edge to service mesh, helping enterprises adopt, secure, and operate innovative cloud native technologies