RIO Education invites you to their event

PowerFAIDS & RIO Education: Connecting Your Financial Aid & Student Systems

Wednesday, December 13th 2023 - 7:00 PM (GMT)

The event is over. See you in the next one.

About this event

The complexity of the US Financial Aid (FAFSA) process is difficult for applicants to navigate. Ambiguity around eligibility and the cost of attendance creates a lack of transparency. Students are left without the information they need to make the  critical decision of where to attend?

College Board PowerFAIDS and RIO Education have partnered to support institutions by providing solutions to streamline the Financial Aid process. Join us on December 13, 2023 for a live demo and discussion as we break down barriers and increase transparency to provide students and families the information needed to navigate the college admissions process.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    JF G
    Joe Farrell College Board PowerFAIDS

  • Team member
    Katie Hemmer Director of Partner & Customer Success @ RIO Education

  • Team member
    JJ T
    Justin Jaramillo

RIO Education

Modern Student Management Solution for Salesforce

The home of RIO Education, the 100% native Salesforce Student Information System.