Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd. invites you to their event

All About Vitis HLS


About this event

Developing FPGA IP using RTL such as VHDL or Verilog is great however the development and verification time can be considerable. In this session we are going to examine how High Level Synthesis can be used to accelerate algorithm development.

In this session we are going to look at

  • What is HLS – How does it work.
  • HLS Flow – What is the flow of development from C/C++ to bitstream in Vivado / Vitis.
  • Why HLS – Where is it beneficial to use HLS and where is it not
  • Algorithm development / debugging and verification
  • Acceleration Libraries - Vitis accelerated libraries & leveraging these
  • Rules of HLS development / coding – What rules do we need to consider when developing HLS solutions
  • Optimizing code for performance – Finding parallelism and bottlenecks, managing performance vs resources while optimizing for performance
  • Interfacing – Controlling interfaces in HLS to implement the most appropriate interface for our solution
  • Worked example – A detailed walk through of a HLS solution.

The session will conclude by demonstrating the Integration and test in the hardware showing how to export and build your IP Core in Vivado and how HLS provides not just the IP core but also the drivers needed for SW Development.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Adam Taylor Founder and Principal Consultant @ Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd.

    Adam Taylor is a chartered engineer and fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology. He is an expert in FPGA and Embedded Systems design, with a specialization in high-reliability design.

Adiuvo Engineering and Training, Ltd.

Embedded Systems and FPGA Specialists

Founded in 2014, Adiuvo Engineering & Training, Ltd. is a consultancy that provides embedded systems design, training, and marketing services. Our aim is to help create better engineering AND better engineers.