Lhasa OMS invites you to their event

Integrative Microneedling for Beautiful, Healthy Skin Featuring the Founders of EastWest Microneedling, LLC: Diana Horowitz, L.Ac. and Amelia Vargar, L.Ac.

About this event

Microneedling is a hot, highly sought-after cosmetic treatment. Join Amelia Vargas, L.Ac. & LE, and Diana Horowitz, L.Ac. in this webinar to see what all the hype is about! Learn about how you can tap into this already heavily marketed modality by providing highly beneficial and holistic microneedling treatments to your patients, and boost your acupuncture practice.

What you will learn:

  • What is microneedling? How is it Chinese medicine? And How can it boost your acupuncture practice?
  • Some common skincare conditions that you can successfully treat with microneedling.
  • What you need to know about skincare ingredients in combination with microneedling (the good, the bad and the ugly).
  • Easy ways to incorporate microneedling into your acupuncture and/or facial acupuncture practice.

Lhasa OMS


Lhasa OMS Acupuncture - The largest acupuncture needles and supply company in the U.S. with unrivaled selection, unbeatable prices, and unmatched service.