LipoTrue invites you to their event

Novel & sustainable approaches to skin care applications

About this event

Observed a growing demand for sustainability in skin care, there is an increase in consumer's demands for sustainable active ingredients with high performance. LipoTrue provides innovative products of excellent quality & technological value while respecting the environment by following the green chemistry principles (sustainable chemistry).

Presenting the latest launches of active ingredients with novel approaches to skin care:

Reneseed™: a plant-base retinol & retinoic acid alternative for day and night treatments.

MARSturizer™: a natural ingredient from a river known as "MARS on Earth" to recover your skin's hydrastasis.

Æonome™: a marine natural active ingredient as an Agebiotic, a new approach to skin's microbiome to unlock anti-aging properties.

Don't miss these inspiring novel approaches to skin care to develop your next sustainable formulations.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    LW T
    LipoTrue Webinar Digital Content Creator @ LipoTrue

    LipoTrue Webinars is a digital platform to deliver you the tools to market your cosmetic products.


LipoTrue is focused on obtaining advanced active ingredients through cutting-edge technological platforms.