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B2B content in a crisis: Is thought leadership ready for a reset?


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Thought leadership: Ready for a reset?


Brands reflect on purpose, priorities and permanent change

The current crisis, coupled with extreme social and political events, has upended the corporate agenda. When profit alone is no longer enough to satisfy stakeholders and audiences are quick to question a brand’s authenticity, companies are re-evaluating their mission in a bid to be responsible and remain profitable. 

So what do these changes mean for thought leadership and its role in business? What have we learned over recent months, and which changes to content governance and strategy will endure?

While many will re-evaluate thought leadership’s role in a multi-stakeholder world, others are expected to quickly return to ‘business as usual,’ as they come under pressure to exploit insight-led content for commercial gain.

In this online debate, we discuss how to define the purpose of thought leadership for your organisation, how to align stakeholders across the business to unite the mission, and how to ensure its relevance to a range of audiences.

Tune in to find out:

  • Has the crisis created a long-lasting change to the purpose and impact of thought leadership? Or will things quickly return to the pre-pandemic status quo?
  • While marketers and commercial teams recognise its value in creating direct engagement and winning business, comms teams identify more with its powerful brand-building qualities. Can thought leadership successfully serve dual purposes?
  • Beyond just buy-in: Has the Coronavirus crisis kicked thought leadership up to Board level, or does it stay in the marketing and comms domain?
  • How can thought leadership enhance the profit vs purpose debate, and how can it align with the commercial and social agenda?


Thought Leadership Network

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For more insight, visit thoughtleadershipnetwork.com or visit longitude.co.uk for additional expert perspectives.

Hosted by

  • Team member
    Gareth Lofthouse Co-founder and CRO @ Longitude

  • Team member
    Rob Mitchell Co-founder and CEO, Longitude and Chairman of Thought Leadership Network @ Longitude

  • Guest speaker
    Lucia Rahilly Global Editorial Director @ McKinsey & Company

  • Guest speaker
    Gordon Rawling Head BSS and OSS Marketing @ Ericsson

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We harness the power of intelligence with influence to leave a lasting impression on the world of business. With a focus on pioneering thought leadership strategies, we create high-impact campaigns that transform perceptions.