Celona invites you to their event

Private 5G and Wi-Fi: Friend or Foe?

About this event

As enterprises continue their digital transformation journey, they need robust, secure and reliable connectivity for everything that is critical to operations, from people and machines to sensors and analytics. Which technology offers the best solution? Private 5G? Wi-Fi? or a combination of both?

In this webinar, we’ll highlight a range of projects — from manufacturing and logistics to healthcare and higher education — where the combination of Wi-Fi and private 5G are delivering new levels of quality, efficiency and productivity and transforming customer experiences.

Our domain experts will examine how these technologies are coming together to meet the increasing demand for ultra-low latency applications required by highly mobile workers and machines. We’ll also discuss how this technology allows you to prioritize applications, deliver better SLAs and maintain full ownership of your data. 

Hosted by

  • Team member
    PR T
    Pradhyum Ramkumar

  • Guest speaker
    Bob Friday Group VP, Chief AI Officer @ Juniper


Your Own Mobile Network

Via its growing ecosystem and unique Edgeless Enterprise architecture, Celona is industry's first and only provider of 5G LANs. Tune in to join discussions with industry leaders on how business critical devices and digital apps can be enabled with predictable performance on enterprise wireless.