AutoStore System株式会社 invites you to their event

On-Demand: Warehouse Automation, the Operations Enhancer


About this event

Join automation experts Jon Schechter and Michael Carmody as they look at automation and share insight into how automation can enhance your operations and productivity.

See the various options available for your operations and find tools to help you identify which solution is right for you.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Jon Schechter Business Development Manager

    For over 10 years, Jon has designed some of the largest robotic-based fulfillment centers in the world with prior experience with Kiva Systems, Amazon, and RightHand Robotics.

  • Guest speaker
    Michael Carmody Business Development Manager

    For over 20 years, Michael has been developing and deploying supply chain technology solutions for the world’s most recognizable 3PL brands including Schneider Logistics, enVista, MercuryGate, Exel, MeridianIQ, Ryder & Penske Logistics.

AutoStore System株式会社

1996 年に設立された AutoStore™は、商品の保管と出荷における効率化を実現するキューブ保管型の自動倉庫ソリューションを発明し、そのパイオニアであり続けているロボティクステクノロジー企業です。  

AutoStore™は、グローバルに事業を展開し、世界57 か国で幅広い業界のお客様に 1550 を超えるシステムの販売・導入実績を有し、著名なグローバルブランドから中小企業に至るまで、様々な規模・業種/業態のお客様のオーダーフルフィルメントをサポートしています。
