Didomi invites you to their event

Navigating through the US privacy laws: CPRA, UCPA, CPA, CTDPA, VCDPA

About this event

[US Webinar Series by Didomi - Ep. 2]

In the United States, consumer data is largely unregulated. But with growing concerns creating momentum for new privacy laws, more and more states are proposing solutions.

You might already be familiar with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018. Since 2021, twenty-nine bills were introduced in twenty-three states. Four of those states (Colorado, Virginia, Connecticut and Utah) joined California in enacting privacy legislation.

Things can get a bit confusing, so we've put together this webinar in partnership with Mayer Brown to cover the topic of consumer data privacy laws in the United States and support you on the path to data compliance.

  • What are the different data privacy state laws?
  • What are the main differences between them?
  • How to remain compliant with all of these laws?
  • How data privacy laws will evolve?

Is your business ready for the US privacy laws? Register for this webinar to find out more about these new regulations and how they will impact your business and data collection strategy.

Hosted by

  • Guest speaker
    Amber C. Thomson Associate Attorney @ Mayer Brown

  • Team member
    JW T
    Jeff Wheeler Head of Product North America @ Didomi


Didomi allows organizations to place customer consent at the core of their strategy.

Didomi builds technology that allows organizations to place customer consent at the core of their strategy. By making consent and preferences easily accessible, companies benefit from compliant customer data while seeing higher engagement and increased user trust.